Friday, September 27, 2019

8 Common Scams Faced by Travelers – How to Avoid Them

Traveling is an exciting opportunity to enjoy and relax. But sometimes it doesn’t go well when shady people decide to scam or robbed you. Travel scams might be faced by travelers at some point in time. No matter where you are traveling, you might be scammed with one of a trick played by the scammers. By following these tips you can’t get robbed, scammed or ripped of while you are traveling.

Sudden Collision Scam

You walk down a street and accidentally someone collides with you. After that, the person who bumped you off will say sorry to you. You continue your walk and after some time, you realize that your wallet is missing. To avoid this scam, use normal precautions and stay alert.
Whenever this kind of thing happened, immediately check your belongings and don’t let them go until you check all are ok.

Taxi Scam

It is faced by most of the travelers who travel to different state or country. Taxi drivers may think you don’t know the route so they take extremely long routes to get you there where you want to go and charge you so much.
To avoid this, you should be smart and don’t show like you are a tourist. You should Google the route in advance on the map and check the easiest way to reach your destination. You can also give them direction so that they think you are not new here.

Can I Take Your Picture?

You are taking pictures of yours in front of an attraction and someone suddenly approaches you and asks you ‘would you like me to take your picture?’ You hand him your phone or camera and he takes off.
To avoid this scam you should consider the fellow tourists to take your photos.

Another Taxi Scam

Many times the taxi or auto driver suggests you that the hotel you are going to is bad or overbooked. And, being a gentleman he tells you that he knows a good hotel where you can stay it will also of low rate. But actually, he will try to take you somewhere else from where he gets a commission from the hotel owner for bringing guests.
So, don’t get scammed by these types of people and tell them either to take you to your hotel or stop here right now.

Local Girl Flirting

You are traveling solo for a business meeting and in the evening you are sitting in a bar and a beautiful woman approaches you, flirt with you and you started taking drinks together. There is nothing wrong with that but it’s not like that what you think. When the bill arrives and you see that woman disappeared.
To avoid this, simply tell her to split the bill before.  This mostly happens during the Europe Tour.

Fake Police

While you are traveling, a police offer stops you and ask you to show your documents. He will tell you there is something wrong in the documents he will let you leave when you pay him out.
To avoid this situation, just directly ask him about his ID before giving any document to him.

Gold Ring Scam

You are traveling and someone bends next to you and ask you is this gold ring belongs to you and your answer would be definitely ‘no’. But then he will ask you if you want it anyway and you take it. The thing is not done here. As he gave it to you so he also wants something in return. He will insist you in an intimidation way until you gave him some compensation.
A simple way to avoid this is don’t accept it and also it is a fake ring. This mostly happens during the France Tour.

Bracelet Scam

During your Europe Tour, you might face this scam. While traveling on a street of France, Spain, or Italy, a man approaches you and offers you a bracelet and tie on your wrist telling you this is from church or somewhere else. Then he will ask you for money in return of that. They will try to convince you in an intimidating way and follow you until you give them money.
In this situation, just say firmly, No, Thank you and walk away.
So, be alert, smart, and careful while traveling. Bad situations happened even to the savviest travelers, what matters how you tackle the situation. Apart from all that, online scams are also faced by people like free flight ticket, fake airline deals, etc. You can book cheapest flight tickets from authentic travel portals so there is no need to go for free tickets and get scammed by the frauds. So, by smartly avoiding and dealing with these scams you can have a hassle-free and wonderful time.

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