Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How to Have a Sound Sleep on Flight

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There is no denying that the journey matters a lot rather than the destination. However, when it comes to long-haul flights, it definitely the destination that counts. We all want to just sleep on long journeys. But in planes, it is quite impossible to have a sound sleep in the cramped, uncomfortable, small seats along with other types of disturbances. Having a sound sleep in flight is not as easy getting the cheapest air tickets. However, there are some ways to have a good sleep in the flight and wake up fresh and ready to go.
Get in the Time Zone
Try to start adjusting from your time zone to a different time zone by changing your sleep timing. Like, you should go to bed early and wake up a bit earlier than your usual routine for an eastbound trip. As soon as you board the flight, set your time on your watch to the time zone of your destination to start the adjustment easily. This helps in adjusting your body to avoid jetlag and helps in falling asleep at the right time.
Get the Sleeping Kit
Opting for a neck pillow works wonders for a restful sleep. It is also important to carry an eye mask as it really does work to have sleep. Along with that, a long scarf, cozy socks, a light blanket, and not to forget earplugs should be carried. Noise cancellation headphones should also be used to avoid announcements, crying babies, and annoying passengers.
Wear Clothes for Bed
It is not suggested to wear a night dress or PJs but it is advisable to be comfortable and wear loose outfits. Getting reading for bed means preparing your mindset that you are going to sleep and having a cozy and comfy sleep. Wearing a suit is not at all advisable as it is the least conducive outfit for a sound sleep.
Pack Light Luggage
It has been always suggested to pack light while traveling for various reasons. This time, it is suggested to carry light luggage so that you can have more legroom and sit comfortably. If you have two carry-ons then you have to store one of them under your seat which occupies your precious foot space. So, minimize your luggage so that you can stretch the maximum.
Try to Avoid Booze
A glass-full wine sounds tempting and you also might think it will easily knock you out. But actually, it prevents you from having a sound sleep and also leads to dehydration during your trip. Not only alcohol, but it also goes with caffeine. Instead, you can opt for water. Also, try to avoid salty snacks and don’t eat too much or heavy meals.
Do Some Stretching
We know that you don’t have lots of personal space on a plane, but a little bit of stretching works a lot. Even if you are in business class, you can do slow, gentle stretching for about 10 to 15 minutes a half hour before you wish to go to sleep. It eases your muscles tension and by making your body relax, this will help you in having a sound sleep easily.
So, next time while you book cheap flight tickets to your destination, never forget the above tips for having a sound sleep on the plane.

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